IELTS Online Coaching
6,500 INR All inclusive
  • 27 Online Classes
  • Advance Queries
  • Top Rated Tutors
20,500 INR All inclusive
  • 3 Months Online Classes
  • Advance Queries
  • Top Rated Tutors
PTE Online Coaching
6,500 INR All inclusive
  • 20 Online Classes
  • Advance Queries
  • Top Rated Tutors
6,500 INR All inclusive
  • 15 Online Classes
  • Advance Queries
  • Top Rated Tutors
Pre & Post Admission Write-Ups
25,500 INR / Application
  • SOP (upto 5 Colleges/Uni), Unlimited Academic and Professional LOR's
  • Resume Writing
  • Scholarships Cover Letter
  • Student Visa SOP


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